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PSYCH 308 - Lab 1.1 - Intro to Stata.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 1.2 - Descriptive Statistics.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 2.1 - Standardization.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 2.2 - Z-Test.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 3.1 - Single Sample T-Test.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 3.2 - Paired t-test.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 3.2 - Paired Samples T-Test - 17 Minute Version.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 3.2 - Paired Samples T-Test - 18 Minutes Version.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 4 - Independent t-test.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 4 - Independent Samples T-Test.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 5 - ANOVA.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 6 - Correlation.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 7.1 - Regression.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 7.2 - Heirarchical Regression - 16 Minute Version.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 8.1 - Chi-Square Goodness of Fit - 7 Minute Version.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 8.1 - Chi-Square Goodness of Fit - 14 Minute Version.mp4
PSYCH 308 - Lab 8.2 - Chi-Square Test of Independence (copy)_default.mp4